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Meet Kelley

So, what's my story…


I have always been driven, knowing exactly the direction I want my life to go.  Married my high school sweetheart (check), adventured big city living (check), came at my career with passion and Type-A achievement (check), moved to the suburbs (check), had three crazy-amazing blonde little boys (check) and well…had it all (check-check).  Well according to my checklist anyway.


Here is where the truth comes in...the cold, hard, not-so-pretty truth...


I was not happy (yes roll eyes here if you must).  I was not happy and that truth made me feel such shame.  Shame because for all intents and purposes my life was perfect and yet I was not fulfilled…I was not happy.  Shame that kept the fake smiles coming, the to-do lists long and full and my busy factor off the charts.  I was lost, running from thing to thing an exhausted depleted version of who I really was.  While we are getting honest, I really had no clue who I was anymore.  I had been buried under dirty diapers, soccer schedules, and over commitment for years.  That is until I got real—real honest with not only myself but with everyone around me.  My perfect life was not so perfect and as a matter of fact it was exhausting.  I knew something had to change.  You get one life and I knew there was so much more for me.  So with all the courage and bravery I could muster-up I set out to reclaim my life.  I was done coping and just living.  I wanted to be ALIVE.  My mantra became:  ~Be You Bravely~


Raise your hand if you can relate.  Now here is what you must know~you don't have to go-it alone.  There are tools and tips you can start putting into your life to get you back.  Many of them you will find in this site.  You have everything you need inside of you to start living your best life.  You just need the tools to unlock those parts of you that know exactly what you need to be doing.  

So, what do you have to offer?  
Great question!


My title is Personal and Professional Life Coach but I look at my job in a very simple way.  I am a space creator.  I create space for women to focus on who they are, what they want for their lives, and most importantly the space to decide and plan what will get them there.  As women we are amazing visionaries.  I actually consider it our superpower.  However, when we become visionaries for everyone in our orbit we lose site of being visionaries for our own lives.  I provide tools and structures that will help you get clear, centered and balanced and the result is a more fulfilled life!


You see when you give a woman dedicated time to focus on herself amazing things happen and there is no doubt the world becomes better because of it!  Books get written, businesses get launched, community centers expand, glass ceilings get shattered and children get inspired to become world-changers.  I love the work I do.  It is an honor and a privilege to watch a woman set the world on fire and I get a front row seat.  AND that makes me SO HAPPY!


As for the “formal” business part of my story…

I hold a BA in both Communication and Elementary Education for the University of Rhode Island.  I also hold an MA from Pace University in Literacy.  I have worked in the educational arena for many years in capacities ranging from teaching to consulting to coaching.  I am a Certified Co-active Coach through the Coaches Trained Institute (CTI) and a member of the International Coaching Federation (IFC). 



Be You Bravely is a company with a focus on creating opportunities, resources, support and coaching for women to get living their best life!

So Happy You Are Here!

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