What Matters Most RIGHT NOW?
Well, here we are again. Winding down yet another 365 days. It is amazing and cliché but so very true…you blink and the year is over. I...

Who have you taken care of today?
Let’s have a little convo shall we? How are you feeling these days? Energized? Full of life? Ready to hit one out of the park? OR...

Reminder: This is who you are!
I believe that women are the front door to every home. They are the temperature and the hub for what rolls in the household. Powerful...

What is your WORD for 2017?
I have missed you all so much! Lots of exciting things happening for Be You Bravely be sure to get on our mailing list so you are in the...

Are you tired of your own BS?
Ok so let’s be really honest shall we? Is there somewhere in your life you are sick of your own BS? I am going to raise my hand—I...

New Year New You...I say, "NO WAY!"
Does that New Year’s mantra bother anyone else? In all honesty I think it annoys me because…Can you keep a secret? I used to buy into it...

For all my "Gangsta Wrappas" have I got a gift for YOU!
Ok my busy bees I know that you're buzzing from TO-DO list to TO-DO list. Checking all the boxes and making sure they are even checked...

Forgot your awesome?
A little reminder today about something you might have forgotten. But no need to worry we will clear that ALL up! So the story goes a...

Note to Self...
A little something to end your day... You are enough... Yes you sitting right there reading this blog. You my beautiful, kind,...

Be You Bravely!
Oh ladies, have I missed you! You beautiful, ass-kicking, courageous, power-houses that create the vision for everyone in your orbit. I...