Reminder: This is who you are!
I believe that women are the front door to every home. They are the temperature and the hub for what rolls in the household. Powerful curators of life and some days YOU need a little reminder. A reminder of who you are!
So let’s do that right now shall we?
You are smart. Yes, very smart in fact. You have solved big problems and little ones too. You have Macgyver abilities that can get kids off to school in the morning, bosses deliverables that astonish and cunning juggling skills that make things happen.
You are clutch. In a pinch you show-up! You jump to help out and make someone’s life easier or better or smoother no matter if you love them or if you have just met them. You do not lack in the "pitching-in" or being called to action department.
You are kind and your heart--I mean your heart is HUGE. You feel things that can’t quite be described and your actions back up that heart of yours EVERY-SINGLE-DAY.
You are wise. You think about things. Deeply. You ponder and contemplate and lose sleep~designing ways to navigate this life you are living. You pull from years of experience and learning and are always willing to give that wisdom out if asked…and sometimes when you are not.
You are freaking funny! In your own silly and quirky way you lift people around you with your humor, your smile—oh and that laugh. We all want to hear more of that laugh.
You are messy. You screw things up. Sometimes royally. However, you are kind remember that and you also have grace so you are willing to have hard conversations and clean things up. Yes you…you right there.
You are so damn giving. You just have a way of taking care of people…especially the ones that are lucky enough to be loved by you. You will often put others needs before your own. But be careful. Pay attention to when you have tipped the scale on the too much of the “giving thing.” It is a gift that you possess so you have to protect it fiercely. If not, the exhaustion will take you to your knees - I promise that.
You are beautiful, Gorgeous—HOT. Yes, you have this way about you that brings beauty and uniqueness to this world that is gorgeous and we are all so lucky to be witness to. And when you get that swagger on—HOT!
You are FUN! Yes, you know how to have a good time and let loose…throw your head back and be 25 again for a minute. You have that fun girl factor in you. You should take her out more. Being a grown up is way to serious and you need to balance that out a little.
You are powerful. Far-Far-Far beyond measure. You can light up a room or dim the light in others. It is your choice always. Choose wisely.
You are resilient. You can get knocked down, blindsided and brought to your knees yet still, you pick yourself up. Slow and steady, sometimes bruised and bloody, other times you spring right back up. No matter the method. You rise~always.
You are brave. Sometimes it is by saying the thing in the room that no one else will say or it is in the way you pick up the pieces when things have been shatter and sometimes it just being brave enough to breath and make it through the day. You do brave things constantly and it is amazing.
You are all of this and so much more. Each and every single one of you. Remember that. And in case you forget I am always here to remind you!
Sending you all LOVE,
Here's a challenge today: Find another woman today and remind her of who she is. Tell her who you see her as in the world. What strength or gift does she possess? I promise it will make you both smile...and possibly cry (good tears of course).
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January 9th TODAY FREE Informational Coffee~Come learn about our "Mothering" Your teen or tween daughter groups starting in February. This might just be an answer to what keeps you up at night! 11am coffee 50 Albany Turnpike. Reserve your spot here!
January 18th-RECLAIM-Who you are NOW! Step ONE~ on the path back to career! Come and be empowered by this "open to all" taste of the Launch with Confidence Program. The RECLAIM seminar is $50 and includes:
Who Am I?, a strengths and values exercise to remind participants who they are beyond caregiver; and Stories of Hope, unique real-life returners' stories from firsthand experience shared to inspire participants with confidence that 'it can be done.’ Using leading industry evaluation tools, you’ll perform a personality assessment and discuss how personality influences the way you work. You’ll also complete an aptitude assessment and discuss why and how to play to your natural aptitudes when making career choices.
Come try out STEP ONE in Launch With Confidence program who knows you might just want more! Click here to claim your spot!
January 19th-LADIES NIGHT OUT!! ~Come set yourself up for 2017 with clarity, intention and inspiration by, "Designing Your Roadmap to 2017". This fun, feel-good night will give you the tools to step into the New Year with direction. Can't wait to share our new office space with you! 50 Albany Turnpike Canton, CT. Grab a friend or two and reserve your tickets now! Click here: Ladies Night Out
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