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What is your WORD for 2017?

I have missed you all so much! Lots of exciting things happening for Be You Bravely be sure to get on our mailing list so you are in the know! I wanted to send you all this little post. Some food for thought as we leave 2016 and step into the New Year…

What is your word for 2017?

This is a question I ask myself every year right about this time and I thought it would be fun for you to join me!

In the last days of December I have made it a practice to slow life down for a second. These past few weeks have been nothing short of

high-octane-warp-speed, fueled by caffeine and a long holiday to-do list. Memories were made, holiday traditions were celebrated and lots of love and connection were in full swing.


Let’s all be honest--we all need a minute.

A minute to take

A few deep breaths

YES---that’s good--

Ok maybe just one more deep breath

Ahh there we go...

Now let’s talk about the year that just passed us by.

I have a deep respect for the 365 days that just flew passed these blue eyes-- obstacles and hurdles included.

What I have learned to be true is that I would be cheating myself and so would you if we didn’t slow it all down and pay attention to what just happened in those last 365 days.

After all, my boys grew not just in height but also in who they are as people. My marriage grew a year older and wiser. My parents added another year to their lives and that comes with a precious understanding now. Friendships were added or reshuffled and others grew stronger and deeper. This career I love launched onto another level that has brought excitement and many lessons for growth.


all of this has changed me,

shaped me into the woman who sits here in these last few days of 2016.


What I know is this…

A version of this same thing has happened to you.


You sitting right there.

So, how do you want to step out of this year?

My plan is to step out of 2016 with


I want to say thanks for the lessons learned.

They memories made.

The highs that were achieved and the lows that transformed and shaped me.

Now it is your turn.

What lessons did you learn this year?

What accomplishments are you most proud of?

What might you want to tweak in the New Year?

How do you want to close out 2016?

Choose one word.

It can be anything you want but something that gives it closure and feels authentic to you.

It might just be a year that ends with no words but just a hand gesture;)

Just make it real and honest that is all that matters.

Go ahead take a minute. Think about it.

Now kiss 2016 goodbye with the send-off that feels right to you.

AND then…

turn in the direction of 2017.

Let’s take our first step into this New Year and let’s do it with a hope, an intention of what we want to make this year about.


Let me give you a little gift you can carry with you all year long.

It starts by answering this one little question.

What will your WORD for 2017 be?

YES you get the CHOICE

of what you want in your back pocket as you walk into 2017.


the best part is when the world gets messy and turned upside down this word will be there to remind and guide you back to what is important to you this year…remind you of

your hope and intention.

In years past I have chosen the words


All had a special meaning to me and all were like a beacon when life threw obstacles my way.

It is amazing how a simple word can remind you of what is important.

What matters most?

Just give that some thought…

To me this New Year is like a great big playground.

It is familiar to me in many ways. I know and love the slide and the swings and feel SO comfortable playing on them. They were once a challenge but that is no longer the case and I am ready for something new.

This year I am going after those monkey bars.

They will be challenging at first that I know. I may fall down, skin my knees and I may even want to give up trying to conquer them. However, when I look over at the slide and swings I am reminded of the satisfaction and the value of overcoming a challenging obstacle. I know how rewarding it is in the end and how much joy, comfort and inspiration I derive knowing that I will always have that slide and those swing skills in my back pocket. So, I will get up and try again with those monkey bars.

Knowing that each time I do I am growing.

I am learning.

I am becoming more


This little analogy pushed me to choose the word


for 2017.

This word will be my touchstone.

My inspiration when the chips are down and I need reminding of how to get myself back up. I will look for resilience in others for motivation and encouragement. Many of you already give that to me everyday!

Now it is your turn again.

Your big moment.

What do you want more of?

What do you want to grow in your life?

What do you want to inspire in others as you walk through this next 365?

What is your word?

Ok now claim it!

In the comments section let me know your word.

Share it with your friends, your family anyone who matters to you.

Post it on your mirror and look it every morning and remind yourself what this year is about for you.

Step into this year with this word clear in your mind and heart.

I can’t wait to watch you bring it to life!

I’ll be right here waiting…

Biggest XO


Need motivation and plan of attack to bring that word to life in 2017?

Come to the

January 19th

Ladies Night Out


Design you Roadmap for 2017.

I am SOOOO excited to share the new office space with you at

50 Albany Turnpike!

Come join the LNO fun and celebrate the New Year and the new space!!!

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